sábado, 3 de marzo de 2007

Evaluation of integrated e-learning

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Theo Bastiaens, Jo Boon and Rob Martens (2004). Evaluating integrated e-learning. In Jochems, W., van Merriënboer, J., & Koper, R. (Eds.) (2004). Integrated E-Learning: implications for pedagogy, technology and organization. London, UK: RoutledgeFalmer.
Chapter 14 Evaluating integrated e-learning
Keywords: evaluation, Kirkpatrick VBe-L

Technology meets constructivism

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Perkins, D. N, (1992). Technology Meets Constructivism: Do they Make a Marriage? In Constructivism and the Technology of Instruction: A Conversation, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Hillsdale, New Jersey.

Introduction to an Integrated e-learning

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Jochems, W., van Merriënboer, J., & Koper, R. (Eds.) (2004). Integrated E-Learning: implications for pedagogy, technology and organization. London, UK: RoutledgeFalmer.
An introduction to integrated e-learning.

Processing Visual and Verbal information

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Wetzel, C. Douglas, Radtke, Paul, H. and Stern, Hervey W. (1994) Instructional effectiveness of video media. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers. USA.