viernes, 3 de marzo de 2006


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Chapter 6: Videoconferencing
Mason, Robin (1994). Using Communications Media in Open and Flexible Learning. Open and Distance Learning Series. Kogan Page Limited.
Keywords: Mason, Videoconferencing, two-way, disadvantages

CMC Case Study

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Chapter 7: Case Studies
Mason, Robin (1994). Using Communications Media in Open and Flexible Learning. Open and Distance Learning Series. Kogan Page Limited.
Keywords: Mason, Computer-Mediated-Communication, Case Study, Techno Stress, concentration, advantages, physical absence.


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Chapter 2: Interaction
Mason, Robin (1994). Using Communications Media in Open and Flexible Learning. Open and Distance Learning Series. Kogan Page Limited.
Keywords: Mason, interactions, interactivity

Introduction to Multimedia Learning

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Chapter 1: Introduction to Multimedia Learning
Mayer, R. (2005). The Cambridge Handbook of Multimedia Learning. USA, Cambridge University Press.
Key words: Multimedia Learning, Design, Mayer, Active Learning, Outcomes, Metaphores, Technology, Learner-centred.

Unbalanced minds? Children thinking about television

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Chapter 4. Unbalanced minds? Children thinking about television
Howard, Sue (1998). Unbalanced minds? Children thinking about television. In Wired Up: Young people and electronic media. Howard, S (ED.), Chapter 4. pp 57-76, UCL Press London.
Key words: assimilation, accommodation, educational television, equilibration, internalization, Piaget, Vigotsky, ZPD, zone of proximal development.