miércoles, 3 de mayo de 2006

Relationship of interactive video to other information communication systems

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Chapter 3: Relationship of interactive video to other information communication systems
Duke, John. (1983) Interactive Video: Implications for Education and Training. Working paper/ Council for educational Technology. Great Britain.
Keywords: Duke, broadcast television, recorded programmes
In this chapter Duke mentions some advantages and disadvantages of educational TV, either broadcasted or recorded.
Useful quotes:
  • The widespread familiarity of television available in almost every home in the country, is a major advantage from an educational point of view. As well as read access, it offers ease and convenience of use. P17
  • With broadcast television the obvious limitations are that it operates to fixed programming schedules and that educational programmes have to compete for scarce air-time with other programmes. P17
  • … the use of recorded television, which allows, inter alia, freedom from scheduling constraints, and the ability to stop, slow down and retrace steps during a programme and which encourages production of materials in segments designed to permit local restructuring to suit the characteristics of the learner as seen by his immediate teacher or counsellor. P18
  • Interactive video techniques can be combined with these computerized database systems to enhance their facilities and improve their availability. P.20
Alberto Ramirez Martinell

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